
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

School Messenger

Thank you all for your patience as we continue to work towards learning on-line.  All I can say is this is not going to be my favorite platform.  Thank you to those of you who responded to School Messenger yesterday.  We will try to not clog up your in-box to much.  I am still eagerly awaiting replies from some of you...

While you wait for us to get a handle on Google Classroom please use your Raz Kids and Mathletics account.  If you need passwords shoot me an email.  Also remember that Tumblebooks (Beddington/books) is an excellent option when you have read all the books at home multiple times!! 
Above all else, please please keep reading😎

Friday, March 20, 2020

Keep Reading

I'm missing our morning hi, your smiling faces and the laughter.
These are the most extraordinary times and as we all try and find our way through I just wanted you all to know that I am thinking of you!!  It's not the same when we're not at school together.  It's very quiet in the classroom and a little bit on the cold side.  It must be all your smiling faces that keep this room warm.
I'm missing a lot of things about our time together but I think what I miss most is reading to you, and listening to you read to me!  Make sure you keep reading.  Read to the dog.  Read to your stuffies.  Read the cereal box.  Read the rules to a board game.  Just keep reading.  
We will have more direction from the school board after spring break about how we will move forward but just know that I am here if want to drop me an email.  I will get back to you!
Keep moving!  Get outside and play - Nose Hill is the best playground in the city - the dog and I will wave to you from up there!

Stay safe and have a great spring break!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


Responsibility is the fifth pillar for the month of March so we talked about what it means to be responsible, characteristics of people who are responsible, examples and non-examples of responsibility.  You will all be pleased to know each and every one of the little learners in this room feel they are responsible people!  My work here is done.😎
After we read, "Beatrice's Goat" in which a young girl in Africa receives a goat as a gift from far away and becomes responsible for its care - earning enough money to afford to go to school.  We all wrote about our own responsibilities.

Problem solving in math today had us choosing 12, 24 or 32 cookies to share with other people.  Students were choosing their own number to divide the cookies with and then deciding how many cookies each person would get.  The ability to get started on this type of question independently tells me a lot about your child as a learner.  They should be starting by drawing themselves a picture, writing the division equation and describing what they have done in words.  Ask your little learner how sticker math went for them this morning.

Read 20/10

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Homework this evening is to locate 10 items at home which have been imported from other countries in the world - bonus points for items that came from India, Peru, Tunisia or Ukraine.

Good readers ask question before, during and after reading so we did just that with the book, "I Want My Hat Back" our next step is to determine if those questions were quick (easily answered in the story or thick (deep thinking required beyond the text).  Deep thinking questions are the questions that matter.

Read 20/10 tonight

Reminder that musical instruments are being built at home for sharing next week Thursday.  The instrument must have volume control and pitch control.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Calgary Opera

Calgary Opera was here this afternoon for a great performance of The Bremen Town Musicians.  Ask your little learner what they thought of story told all in music!

We spent more time this morning determining the numbers that will group equally into 2, 5 and 10.  The concept of remainders was introduced along with fact families.

Read 20/10

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Jump Rope For Heart

πŸ’œπŸ’œ . Jump Rope For Heart fund raiser is due back to school tomorrow please.

Thanks for the writing homework.  Our paragraph writing with interesting details is coming along really well.  We developed a formula today for those who need to have a fall back:

Topic sentence
Detail sentence
Detail sentence
Feeling sentence

Read 20/10

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Writing Homework

Some of us have homework tonight to finish the story we started about our families several weeks ago.  In this piece of writing we are working on organizing paragraphs and including interesting details.  The hope is that we can eliminate robot writing (My mom likes...  My mom likes... My mom likes...) and create a picture for our readers using detail.  My mom likes to cook.  Once she made curry and rice for all of us.  Please check with your little author and see if they have a story in their backpack or if they delivered it to my desk this morning.

The division symbol was introduced this morning and we talked about the total number appearing first followed by the number of people sharing (in this case cookies) and finally how many they each will get at the end.  We made the connection between division and subtraction!  Yay for us!!

Read 20/10

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Doorbell Rang

Division was introduced today through the story, The Doorbell Rang by Pat Hutchins.  After hearing the story, students retold it by drawing pictures to show their understanding of cookies being shared.  Tomorrow we will re-read the story and add in the division notation to match the problem situations.  This will help little learners to understand that division is sharing in real-world situations.

Read 20/10 we were in the library this morning for new reading materials.

In a backpack near you is an invitation to Fun Lunch - McDonalds is serving this month.