
Monday, June 27, 2022

Stop the summer slide


We have finished reading our way across Canada - what a huge country we live in!

Little learners can lose some serious ground over school breaks thanks to the dreaded summer slide!  Consider the following tips to help keep the mind powered up!!

  • READ with your child and develop a life long reader.  
  • TALK is the best thing a parent can do with their child
  • DISCUSS while reading what is happening in the story - say, "This part remind me of..."  ask, "What are you thinking will happen next?"  
  • PLAY games that promote strategy - think Checkers, UNO, Sorry
  • USE audio books in the car on road trips
  • CREATE a space in the house just for reading
  • MEASURE together in the kitchen - 2 tablespoons or 1/2 cup or 6 forks
  • GO outside 
The Calgary Public Library is free and they have many great resources available for children.  Your library card will give you access to Tumblebooks, Bookflix and Kanopy to name a few.

Raz-kids, Mathletics, and Prodigy memberships remain available to you - 

Our walking field trip to Confluence Park will be tomorrow - Tuesday, June 28.  We will leave the school first thing in the morning and return in time for lunch.  Please have a backpack with water and an energizing snack!

Tomorrow at 1:00 pm is our final assembly and you are all invited.  We will recognize our June Pillars of Care winners and acknowledge all the people who will be leaving us over the summer.

Congratulations to our winners, Noah, Numan, Youssef, Saud and Ryleigh

Thursday, June 23, 2022

An invitation for you -

 The little drummers of room 10 would like to invite you to the Drumming Assembly Friday at 11:00 am in our gym.  One World Drumming has been here all week and we would like to show you what we can do!

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Walking Field Trip

 We are so proud to say we have finished the alphabet in cursive writing!!  Just in the nick of time.  

Everyone will need an extra bag, backpack, shopping bag on Monday to bring home everything in desks.

Tuesday morning (June 28) the grade 3's would like to walk over to Split Rock in the morning.  Leaving the building by 9:00 am - returning for lunch at 11:45 am.  Please make sure your little learner has a water bottle and snack and is dressed for whatever the weather may bring.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate with this plan.  If the forecast is not favourable on Tuesday we will go on Monday.  

Read 20/10

Monday, June 20, 2022

One World Drumming

 We played a true/false game of Rights/Responsibilities/Freedoms in social studies this afternoon and your little learner has an excellent understanding - the were hard to trick👏

Ask your little musician about their first drumming lesson.  One World Drumming is in the house this week and I for one had a great time.

Read 20/10

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Kamp Kiwanis Pictures

We had a great day at Kamp Kiwanis - most importantly we did not get wet!!  

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Schedule change

 Slight change to our Kamp Kiwanis schedule - the bus is not able to pick us up until 9:00 am which just means we will shorten our centre time in the morning. Our day will begin with math as usual!  We will return to school at 2:30 in time for the bell.  We were also offered the opportunity to go to the pond and use the nets to pull out water striders and minnows, maybe some froglets. See what's living in the pond. Sounds like fun to me!!  

 Please ensure your little camper is dressed for the weather and has a change of clothing - particularly socks.  A toque or hat of some kind might be beneficial.  We are looking forward to playing outside - 

Read 20/10

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Kamp Kiwanis Field Trip

 In a backpack near you are the forms required for our field trip to Kamp Kiwanis!!  We are so excited that this has come together for us and we are able to go.  Thank you to the volunteers who came forward - we can't go on field trips without you.  Please complete all the forms and send them back to school as soon as possible.  The payment must be made online through your CBE account.  If you are unable to pay the full amount please contact the school to make other arrangements.

Ask your little learner about the smudge we participated in this afternoon -

Read 20/10

Monday, June 6, 2022

Life Cycles

 After watching a video this morning about hamsters, toads, lions and jackal students were given a choice about which one animal they want to write about.  In their writing they will be telling what they already knew about the animal, what was new information about the animal, questions they still have about the animal and drawing a picture.  As we work through the life cycles of animals in science we are also concerned about animal habitat and adaptations.

We have all made a clock to use in math to show elapsed time - next we will be using referents to measure cm and m and decide which unit of measure is more appropriate.

We are almost to the end of our novel study - The Tale of Despereaux.  My little authors are currently writing, How To Be A Mouse - instructions for the survival of a mouse.

Read 20/10

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Sports Day/Ultimate Summer Challenge


Our mouse craft to go along with our novel study The Tale of Despereaux.  

Tomorrow is Sports Day at Beddington Heights.  Please make sure your little athlete is dressed for the weather, has sun screen on (please don't send sun screen to school) have on their fastest running shoes and have a water bottle.

Yesterday we participated in the Ultimate Summer Challenge through the Calgary Public Library.  The library wants to ensure we all read over the summer and offer this great program every year.  Participants can register by going to the Calgary Public Library website or in-person at any location.  They have some great prizes for every 40 hours a child reads over the summer.  They also have some great programs to take part in.  The best part is the library is free!!