
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Volunteers Needed

3 volunteers are needed Thursday January 10 from 9 - 11 am to help with Teacher's Pet.  If you can lend us a hand drop me an email please. 

Pillars of Care assembly Friday 8:15

Fun lunch tomorrow

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Fact vs. Opinion

Our work here continues, but the natives are getting restless!
You can help out by making sure your student is getting enough sleep at night and sticking as close to routine as possible.

We continue to add to our reindeer anchor chart (Reindeer can, have, are) and today we looked at the difference between a fact and an opinion.  Our working definition has become something that can be proved and something we believe.  We read a paragraph about reindeer antlers and highlighted all the facts one color and the opinions another color - looking for signal words such as, I think...

Pillars of Care Assembly Friday @ 8:15
Report cards coming home Friday in a backpack near you.
3 Volunteers needed Thursday January 10 from 9-11 for Teachers Pet.

Friday, December 14, 2018


Thursday January 10, 2019 I will be in need of 3 volunteers from 9 - 11 am to help out with Teacher's Pet.  Teacher's Pet is an in-school 'field trip.'  The topic of the morning is Tunisia - a country we learn about in social studies.  Volunteers will run a station for the instructor.  If you can find time in your schedule please drop me an email!

Monday, December 10, 2018

Quality of Life

We have practiced a variety of strategies for subtracting larger numbers.  We know how to expand to subtract, use a number line to hop backwards to subtract, Ally's method for subtraction (ask your student) and the vertical method for subtraction.  We all have our opinions on which method is our favorite but the fact is we can all subtract.  So tomorrow I'm thinking we will have a little subtraction quiz.

We brainstormed all the things we know about reindeer and created a tree map together - reindeer have, reindeer are, reindeer can before we read "The Wild Christmas Reindeer" by Jan Brett.  Jan Brett has an very interesting artistic style and once we caught on we were very impressed.  By the way, we know very little about reindeer so we will be exploring this topic a little more closely this week.

Quality of life.  How do we determine quality of life?  That was the question we are exploring.  I am proud to say that students feel the most powerful of all is freedom.  They felt freedom trumps all other aspects of their lives (yes even their iPads and Xboxes) We talked about clean water, shoes, bikes, toys and book.  The doctor, dentist. a job.  They are able to express what is important and why. So we defined quality to life as, The sense of safety, comfort, security, health and happiness that people have in their lives.

Fun lunch orders went home in a backpack near you last Thursday - that can be ordered on line now.
Winter concert Wednesday Dec. 12 @ 6:30

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Subtracting on a number line

Scholastic book order now due.
No school tomorrow.

We began subtracting on a number line today.  This was difficult thinking for some.  Jumping backwards.  Looking into the tens place of the second digit to see how many jumps of ten to take and then looking to see how many jumps of ones to take.  Once we finished several examples and then wrote about what we were doing the strategy became clearer.  Practice makes perfect.

We tried our hand at writing a journal entry that explains a personal experience including important details to make the writing informative.  With our anchor book as an example many wrote about grandparents, weekend camping trips and being on Nose Hill.  The idea was to include detail to make a picture for the reader.  This bring us to the end of our work with The Raft.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Dear Mom and Dad,

When was the last time you sat down to read for the pure fun of it?
I don't mean to read this blog😉 or the school newsletter or the manual for the new fridge.
One of the best things you can do is model the joy of reading.  I understand you are busy.  There are many things to accomplish in a day.  But consider making the time to sit down and open up a good book.  This is the best thing you can do for your child.  Honest. Let your children see the process of you enjoying a story.  It doesn't require any money since our public library is free in Calgary and you can sit side by side with your child.  On the couch.  With a hot chocolate.  Maybe a potato chip or two.  The CPL book truck was here today and we went out to have a tour through it.  They had many great titles on board.  Get a public library card and send it to school every other Tuesday and then read.  My daughter and I have a date for over the holidays at our new downtown library.  We plan on spending the afternoon checking it out once the crowds have died down a bit and I can't wait.  Lots of great books and time with my child.  Win.  Win.

Read 20/10

Children who did not complete their homework last night spent their recess with me this morning.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Vocabulary Homework

Vocabulary and rhyming work is homework tonight and is due back tomorrow.
Everyone is choosing 5 of the vocabulary words to rhyme with and 3 words to use in a sentence.  Last week we put vocabulary words into alphabetical order and those are glued into the reading journal for reference. We worked for about 40 minutes this morning on this task and I'm sure you will agree with me that that is a sufficient amount of time to complete this activity.

We used the strategy of expanding numbers to subtract today - some of us found it to be a hard strategy to use but in time I am confident that it will be useful.  Once we begin subtracting larger numbers and needing to borrow it will all become clear!  For now trying new things is the sign of a thinker😀

Aussie Rules Football was introduced to us today from the Calgary Kangaroos - we learned three skills required in the game and played a little version of tag using those skills.  Great fun.  Ask your child what they thought!

Scholastic book orders due Thursday December 6 please.

Calgary Public Library book truck is coming tomorrow - bring your library card and check it out!