
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Writing homework due

Writing homework describing a pair of mittens is due tomorrow.

Contractions - the topic of a classroom game we played today.  In grade 3 we are responsible for being able to use an apostrophe to form a contraction.  So we watched a little video clip about contractions and then the apostrophe, brainstormed some words and played some games.
We were also in the library this morning so everyone has fresh reading materials for 20/10 tonight.

We took care of some problem solving in math.  I modeled for students how to think through a story problem using multiplication, we worked together to solve another problem, then students tried on their own at the carpet to share their thinking and solve.  Students then went and solved a new problem on their own.  Much like our morning sticker math but this model of thinking requires they show all their thinking including the picture they hold in their head.

No school Friday -

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Homework due back Thursday

We packed our suitcases and headed off to India today😉
Noting where India is located in the world, the oceans around it, the mountains that boarder the country and where the equator would be we decided what things we would want to bring with us on a trip to India and packed our suitcases for a great trip abroad!

Currently in student backpacks there is a small piece of homework.  We started last week by reading The Mitten Tree then we drew our own mittens (favorite or fantasy), created a mitten tree (looks, feels, are) of words to describe our mittens and began a paragraph to describe our mittens. Over the course of several days we also read The Mitten, The Winter Mittens and Missing Mittens, inspiration for our own writing. Our paragraphs should paint a picture for our readers of exactly what our mitten look like.  Using specific picture words to help our readers visualize.  This descriptive paragraph needs to be finished at home and returned to school for Thursday January 30 please.

We continue to model multiplication using arrays, tiles, equal groups and recording our thinking.  We can relate addition to multiplication and make equal groups.  It is a lot to think about slowly but surely it is coming together.

No school Friday

Monday, January 28, 2019

We discovered this afternoon how easy it can be to make a difference in the life of someone else.  We used the website free to answer questions and donate rice.  For every question we were able to answer correctly the World Food Programme received 10 grains of rice!  Super simple and we felt really good about being able to help.  Because we have done the math, we know how quickly rice can add up.  We read One Grain of Rice an Indian folktale about a village girl who asks the raja for the reward of one grain of rice doubled day by day.  In no time she had millions of grains of rice and was able to help people who were starving.  We can do that too!

Sticker math this morning had us thinking about various ways to plant 24 carrot seeds in a garden.  There is a variety of solutions that would answer this question.  I am looking for students who can make arrays to show their thinking and give me more than one answer - 24x1=24 or 8x3=24 or 6x4=24 etc.  Students are to be using pictures, numbers and words to explain their thinking.  We have been working on visualizing while we read and so we began this morning by visualizing a garden with flowers and vegetables and a white picket fence around it to keep out the rabbits!

No school Friday

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Fun lunch in backpacks

Lots of fun lunches returned to the classroom this afternoon please check backpacks to make sure there is not food in there ...

Cityscapes were worked on in math this morning and we added one more step of writing a story problem about the picture just created with arrays.  As we continue to focus on problem solving students in grade 3 also need to be able to write a story problem.

Our gymnastics unit has one week left in it - Mission Impossible!  Rules continue to be enforced so we are looking for no jewelry, no hoods, no open sweaters and long hair tied back.  Mission Impossible is a ton of fun so we all want to participate!

Vibration - a rapid motion that causes sound.  We looked at a of fun videos to try and see a vibration. We also listened to the sounds in this classroom for 30 seconds and there is a lot going on.  Try listening to all the sounds at the supper table tonight and determine if they are the same sounds we hear in here!

Pillars of Care assembly tomorrow 8:15 am

Wednesday, January 23, 2019


We are all exhausted, we worked so hard today!
We used Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream that we read yesterday to find examples of equal groups.  Then we looked around the classroom and found the calendar, telephone key pad, bingo cards and brick walls that had arrays.  Students were then challenged to create a city skyline that shows arrays.  To be successful they had to use straight lines and on each building include an array (windows) they can add extra detail of stars or snowflakes in an array.  They are then writing about their city scape using multiplication sentences.  Mart.  (Math and art together) Love it!!

Votes were cast for Pillars Of Care - congratulations to Arianna, Carman, Yousif and Whitney.  Assembly will be on Friday at 8:15.

We have started our new science unit Sound and Hearing.  We created a chart of things we think we know and questions we have today.

Swim forms please.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream

In the story Amanda Bean's Amazing Dream, Amanda is a child who loves to count anything and everything.  She counts windows, books on a library shelf, cookies on a trays, tiles on a counter top and so much more.  But sometimes Amanda can't count fast enough.  Her teacher tries to persuade her that multiplying will help but Amanda is not convinced.  We read her book this morning stopping to count with Amanda and learned that multiplication is a helpful tool.  The situations in the story allowed for the discussion about repeated addition, skip counting, and the essential idea of an array.  We learned to represent multiplication through the use of any array.  An array is made of columns and rows and is a visual tool we can all use.

These are my favorite days because we also got to read the book Frog Belly Rat Bone as we continue to talk about picture words that authors write for us to visualize in the readers head.  It's a fun story about a boy in cement land who is looking for treasure.  It was great fun to draw all the things he was doing.  Ask your child about visualization.

Swim forms due please.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Circles and Stars

Scholastic book orders due tomorrow please.

We've been playing a game in math called Circles and Stars.  It begins with a roll of the die.  We would then draw that number of circles on our page.  Roll the die again and draw that number of stars in each circle. We would then figure out how many stars we drew and write the total down.  An addition sentence would be written and then a multiplication sentence.  So if I rolled a 3 first I would draw 3 circles.  On my second roll if I got a 2 so I would draw 2 stars in each of the 3 circles.  The addition sentence becomes 2+2+2=6  and the multiplication sentence of 3x2=6. 3 groups of 2 equals 6.  Today we looked at all the totals we had when playing this game and found out that with two dice you can not get the product of 7,11,13,14,17,19,21,23,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,34, or 35 and numbers like 12 come up more often. So now we will use this information to play multiplication bingo but students will build their own bingo card using the numbers that come up in multiplication the most.  Hopefully.

Thursday, January 17, 2019


Let's have those January Scholastic book orders back to school be Tuesday January 22.
Return swim forms with $26.00
Return white report card envelopes.
Read 20/10.  Everyday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January Scholastic

How is the new years resolution to read with your child and around your child going?
Did you get to the new downtown public library yet?
Did you know there is another new library in the new YMCA in Seton?  Not only is it the WORLD'S largest YMCA but they have Calgary's 21st public library and it has a decommissioned Alouette III helicopter in the children's section!!  I don't even know what that means but I know that every child in this classroom would love to go and sit in it and climb in it and play with the controls!
Read 20/10 tonight.  Everyone!

The January Scholastic Book orders are in a backpack near you -
Thank you for helping put books into our classroom by ordering from Scholastic.  Everytime you order they send books for students to read in the classroom.  It's a win win.  You can pay for your order in cash, cheque and this month when you order online they will send you a free book too!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Equal groups

WOW!  Tuesday's are long days.  I don't know about you but we seem to struggle on Tuesdays to attain to task. Perhaps the weather is changing.  Or maybe there is about to be a full moon.  Could be that we weren't holding our tongues just right today.  Many plausible reasons.

In grade 3 we are responsible for knowing that multiplication is repeated addition that can be expressed as equal groups or arrays.  We have to be able to draw multiplication and write about it.  We are also responsible for recalling the multiplication facts to 5x5.  Again today we brainstormed from our schemas experiences we have had that can be described as multiplication - so things that come in groups. Legs on a chair.  Sides of a die.  triplets.  Days in a week.  To solidify equal groupings.

Ask your student about the story they wrote this morning about a pig.  First we drew Piggie from a Mo Willems how to draw video then we brainstormed vocabulary for stories with page in them then we wrote our own stories.

Return swim forms please.
Return white report card folders.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Introducing Multiplication

We have reached the most anticipated event of grade 3!
The one thing every student expresses they can hardly wait to learn in grade 3.
I love to teach multiplication.  There are so many fun ways to make real world connections and use hands on exploration.  I launched our multiplication unit with a question about chopsticks.  Since I love Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese food I brought in a pair of chopsticks and told students that Saturday we went to our favorite restaurant and I ordered the BIG bowl (that's what the waiter told me😋) not a problem, leftovers are a marvelous thing!  My question was then: if there are four people at the table how many chopsticks did we need?  We recorded student thinking and let me tell you there were at least 5 different ways of thinking about this question - but they were all right!  So then I extended the question to be: if I were planning a Chinese meal for everyone in our classroom how many chopsticks would I need to bring?  Real world problems.  We then started to brainstorm things that come in groups of two.  This helps students make a connection between equal groups and multiplication.  Students then went to work making lists of things that come in equal groups of three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve.  This will help to tie in the visual student to multiplication as we go along.  YAY for us!

Gymnastics has started in our gym.  Students will need to have their hair tied back, wear socks or shoes, have everything tucked in and leave all jewelry at home.  Following the rules set out to keep us safe also means no hoods or dresses for this unit.  Please help your child as we go to gym everyday and they want to participate.

We started reading about Martin Luther King Jr. and the key events of his life.  Biographies are another genre we use to become better readers.  Good readers can determine what is most important information and what is fluff.  The fluff, although meant to keep the readers interest, is not important to the overall picture.  `

Thursday, January 10, 2019

After Teacher's Pet

Ask your student about our Teacher's Pet inservice about Tunisia.  It was excellent!  We sorted Tunisian imports and exports, played a trivia game, made a mosaic, and learned how to play Mancala along with looking at several artifacts.   After our facilitator left we wrote about our morning using sentence started like; "If I were the teacher I would have..."  "One question I still have about Tunisia is ..."  "I'm wondering..."

Fun lunch information went home today it is due back at school January 18.
Swim forms due back Feb. 1

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Teacher's Pet

We are very much looking forward to our presentation tomorrow morning about Tunisia.  We hope tom come away with a better understanding of the quality of life in Tunisia.  Presentation will run from 9 - 11 am.  I'm still in need of volunteers if you find yourself with some free time tomorrow drop me an email.

We continue to practice our visualization skills.  Today we found out that our images change from the beginning of the reading to the end.  Good readers are able to take in new information to change their way of thinking.  We practiced with some poetry again by a Canadian author - the pictures were great fun!

Teachers Pet form and $10.00 by tomorrow please.
Return white report card envelopes signed please as soon as possible.
Swim forms are in a backpack near you.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Goods and Services

We had a look at the meaning of goods and services today while we read the story "On Market Street". We decided that a good is something you can use, see and feel.  A service is something that is done for you and you paid for it.  We will now have a look at goods and services in Tunisia as we prepare for Teacher's Pet on Thursday morning.

We are practicing our visualizing skills by making movies in our heads while listening to stories and poems.  Good readers can visualize to better understand the author and they do that by taking the author's picture words and creating a mental image.  We will then transfer these skills into our personal writing.  Today we drew a picture to match the poem, "Shop, Shop, Shopping."

Teacher's Pet form and $10.00 by Thursday please.
We require 3 volunteers for Thursday morning - if you can give us a hand please drop me an email.
White report card envelopes need to be signed and returned.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Happy New Year

I trust everyone is rested, relaxed and rejuvenated for 2019!
We had a great first day back - students were ready to see their friends and take on new challenges.
Our day started with what turned out to be a great challenge.  Huge challenge.  People are surrounded by things containing numbers - addresses, room numbers, signs and telephone numbers.  Did you know your student does not know their telephone number?  We worked on strategies to add numbers quickly today as a review using telephone numbers.  The students in this classroom had no idea their own telephone numbers.  I anticipated that and had cards ready for them but this is a gentle nudge that to know ones telephone number and address is a life skill.  Help your student to learn a telephone number.

Teacher's Pet field trip notice is due back.  $10.00 with the form please.
Report card envelopes need to be signed and returned.
Swim notices were sent home today please check a backpack near you.