
Monday, November 30, 2020

2-D Shapes

 We spent time this morning reviewing the names and attributes of the 2-D shapes.  This will prepare us for classifying and comparing different shapes.  Ask your little learner what they discovered this morning.  (Hint - it has to do with the number of sides, angles and vertices of any shape).

As a school we are using the Zones of Regulations to help little learners put names onto their feelings and then helping themselves to regulate their feelings.  We are using the movie 'Inside Out' to help with this journey.  In the movie the 5 emotions are at conflict with one another and they are shown in different colours.  We will use the same colours ourselves.  This would translate to home activities too if you are interested in taking the idea one step further.

Read 20/10

No school Friday

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Google Classroom

 Tomorrow I will be sending home your little learners CBE email address, their log in information and passwords.  Please keep these in a safe place as you will need them January 4, 2021.  Students know how to log into the Goggle classroom as we have all been there already this year.  The process is the same as it was in the spring.  I have already sent home log in information for Mathletics, Prodigy and Raz kids.  We use these websites in the classroom and they have make for good learning at home.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

Everyone should now have finished their story in the style of Duck on a Bike.  We have been through the writing cycle - made a plan, used the plan to write a draft, shared the story and edited it and now we are ready to publish our work.  Ask your little learner who they wrote their story about.

We used good old fashioned Alberta road maps this afternoon to locate major cities, National Parks, and towns with funny names.  We found a town called Rainbow Lake but there was not a lake near by!!  We followed several major rivers from their source out of the province all the way to the Hudson Bay.  We had fun just looking at all the things in our province.

Read 20/10

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Mayor's Food Drive

 Beddington Heights is participating in the Mayor's Annual Food Drive this year!  Please bring in any nonperishable food items for the Calgary Food Bank!  Also, we are collecting monetary donations. This will be a great act of kindness and show a great deal of care for others during a trying time of year for those who are less fortunate.  The drive starts today and ends Dec 11th.  Thank you for your support on this!

Read 20/10

Monday, November 23, 2020

Skip Counting

 We had a great Monday today -

Ask your little learner about skip counting with patterns (grade 3) and skip counting for multiplication (grade 4).  We are busy taking apart a poem by Joanne Lysyk - looking for all the words with suffix endings and talking about how they can change a words meaning.  The worlds largest beaver damn is located in Alberta in our portion of the Canadian Shield.  It can be seen from space so we had a look at that today while learning about how remote the Canadian Shield is.

Read 20/10

Thank you to all the parents who booked an interview time last week.  We can still chat by phone or email if you were busy last week.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thinking of You


A little art project today of onion and potato prints that we turned into little thinking of you cards so we can send them to a local seniors residence that are in lock down due to COVID being in their building.  Our hope is to brighten someone's day a little bit.

No school tomorrow - Parent/Teacher Interviews tonight and tomorrow

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

School Clothing

 Grade 4's have hit the big time!!  We started using text books for our math work!!   Working with a text, paper and pencil is very difficult to coordinate - we have started by looking at the patterns on a multiplication chart and the relationship between factors and the product.  Today grade 3's were showing their understanding of place value.

Parent Council are running a fund raiser with Elevate Athletic clothing.  They are offering you sweatpants, hoodies and T-shirts.  They will deliver to your home - check out the website if you are interested.

Read 20/10

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Mountain Region

 What would it be like to live in the mountain region of Alberta?  What jobs would people have in the mountain region?  How would the climate affect the way people live in the mountain region?

These are the questions students were responding to in their writing this afternoon.  Now that we know a little bit about the region we were thinking deeply and creating opinions based on our new knowledge.  We've been looking at the Travel Alberta commercials and have decided we live in a pretty awesome place in this world!

Ask your little learner how their story is coming along - everyone is writing in the style of David Shannon and creating their own version of Duck on A Bike.   The planning stage should be over and the story begun.  We are working on making our writing interesting to our reader by using interesting details.

Please book an interview with me online, on the phone or drop me an email!!

Read 20/10

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Parent Teacher Interviews

 Parent/Teacher Interviews are coming up next week.  The school will be using Microsoft Teams for video chat.  If you prefer or don't have access to Teams I am happy to set up a phone interview with you. These don't have to confined to Thursday or Friday if you want to chat Monday after school I can do that with you.  Drop me an email at to set up an alternative.  Email is also an option if you are busy.  Email allows us to chat when available.  Let me know what works for you. We will be discussing issues, challenges, subjects and successes your little learner is currently having.  

No school tomorrow

Monday, November 9, 2020

Poppy Art

 We had a look at the poppy today as a symbol of Remembrance Day. Ask your little learner what they found out about why we use a poppy.  Students had choice in how they represented the poppy or the Canadian flag.  This is a sample of our art work.  In case you can't see the art is mounted on the words to O'Canada.

Tomorrow we will hold a Remembrance Day service in the classroom.  Those students who belong to a service group (Brownies, Guides, Cubs, Forest Rangers) are invited to wear their uniform.  

Read 20/10

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Learning Goals

 We began the journey of setting our learning goals for the year today.  When we are finished everyone will have a reading goal, math goal and a personal goal uploaded into Iris that they will be able to share with you during Parent Teacher Conferences Nov. 19 and 20.

Read 20/10

No school Wednesday Nov. 11

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Whose Poop Is That?

 We had a close up look at punctuation today and talked about how readers use punctuation and how writer's use punctuation.  We all need to know how to use periods, commas, quotation marks, and apostrophes in our daily work.  Using capitals appropriately in titles and proper nouns is also part of our work.  We created an anchor chart to show how to use all of these things and will refer to it all year long in our reading and writing.

Literacy month at Beddington has wrapped up and I am collecting all reading logs.  There will be a prize for the class who has the most minutes of reading recorded.

"Whose Poop is That?" is the non-fiction picture book we read today to look at organic matter and how it is all different yet equally important for creating fertilizer to make our soil rich in nutrients.

Read 20/10

Monday, November 2, 2020

Brain Food

 Just a friendly request that candy/chips remain at home for a treat.  The food that comes to school should be 'brain food' that will help us to boast our memory and think ideas through to solve problems.  Consider berries, vegetables and dip, seeds, whole grains or apples.  Thank you.

Comparing and ordering numbers was the grade 3 objective today.  We looked at digits and the value they held and then determined if the numbers were greater than, less than or equal to.  Little learners were creating their own numbers and working independently.  Grade 4 were finishing up subtraction into the 10,000's as that is our target number this year.

Household Waste.  In Calgary we are lucky because we are able to have pick up of most of our household waste.  When we recycle, reuse, and reduce we are doing what is best for our environment.

Read 20/10

School picture orders due Friday