
Monday, November 4, 2019

Healthy Learners

Our morning snack break is an opportunity to fit extra nutrients into your little learners diet.  Snacks should consist of nutrient-dense food like fruits and vegetables, whole grains and seeds.  This will help keep the blood sugars even and the tears at bay!  A health snack has about 100 calories in it and has about 7 grams of sugar.  Consider anything that comes in its own wrapper - apples, oranges, grapes, tomatoes, carrots etc.  All those pretty pre-packaged foods are a trap.  Beware!!  As part of our health unit we will be talking about super foods and how they affect our brains and emotions.  Foods that power our brains.  Please keep the Halloween candy at home for the occasional treat.

Sometimes being almost right is good enough!!  Estimation is an essential skill in math and we began today by estimating the number of rocks in a jar.  We made a referent group of 10 rocks and then continued counting by making groups of 10.  We had all agreed that counting by 10 was efficient and easy to do.  Taking our work a little further some of us were able to find the difference between the actual number of rocks in the jar and our estimate.  Which brought us to the various ways to subtract bigger numbers.  It was a lot of work for a Monday morning!

Ask your child about the facts they learned this morning about Winnie-the-Pooh.  Probably my favorite mentor text, 'Finding Winnie' tells the Canadian story behind the making of the beloved Disney character.  We were all amazed!!

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