
Monday, January 28, 2019

We discovered this afternoon how easy it can be to make a difference in the life of someone else.  We used the website free to answer questions and donate rice.  For every question we were able to answer correctly the World Food Programme received 10 grains of rice!  Super simple and we felt really good about being able to help.  Because we have done the math, we know how quickly rice can add up.  We read One Grain of Rice an Indian folktale about a village girl who asks the raja for the reward of one grain of rice doubled day by day.  In no time she had millions of grains of rice and was able to help people who were starving.  We can do that too!

Sticker math this morning had us thinking about various ways to plant 24 carrot seeds in a garden.  There is a variety of solutions that would answer this question.  I am looking for students who can make arrays to show their thinking and give me more than one answer - 24x1=24 or 8x3=24 or 6x4=24 etc.  Students are to be using pictures, numbers and words to explain their thinking.  We have been working on visualizing while we read and so we began this morning by visualizing a garden with flowers and vegetables and a white picket fence around it to keep out the rabbits!

No school Friday

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