
Monday, January 21, 2019

Circles and Stars

Scholastic book orders due tomorrow please.

We've been playing a game in math called Circles and Stars.  It begins with a roll of the die.  We would then draw that number of circles on our page.  Roll the die again and draw that number of stars in each circle. We would then figure out how many stars we drew and write the total down.  An addition sentence would be written and then a multiplication sentence.  So if I rolled a 3 first I would draw 3 circles.  On my second roll if I got a 2 so I would draw 2 stars in each of the 3 circles.  The addition sentence becomes 2+2+2=6  and the multiplication sentence of 3x2=6. 3 groups of 2 equals 6.  Today we looked at all the totals we had when playing this game and found out that with two dice you can not get the product of 7,11,13,14,17,19,21,23,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,34, or 35 and numbers like 12 come up more often. So now we will use this information to play multiplication bingo but students will build their own bingo card using the numbers that come up in multiplication the most.  Hopefully.

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