We worked with the word present today. We counted vowels, consonants and syllables. We found little words in the big word and we talked about what the word means - connections we have to the word and the picture the word puts in our heads. Responses were as you would expect - gift, surprise, birthday, Christmas, wrapping paper, bow and card. Then we looked at the story, "What Does It Mean to Be Present?" by Rana DiOriu and found out that present also means being in the moment, listening carefully when someone else is speaking, doing one thing at a time, being grateful etc. Our work will continue this week with the single word as we work towards being present!
In math we continue to make equal groups with an equal number of things in each group to begin writing multiplication sentences.
We wrapped up our 'brain dump' of all the things we know about sound and hearing. We had a sharing time and a writing time.
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