How do cookies compare to rocks?
That was the question we attempted to answer in science this morning. We started by observing our cookie as a geologist would and then using our senses describing the cookie. We drew the cookie, counted the visible chocolate chips and then compared our cookie to a piece of granite, schist or gneiss. Little geologists should have made the connection that both are made of more than one thing (different minerals) and created using heat and pressure. Was a delicious experiment!
We have made the longest number line ever together to help ourselves as we begin to round numbers. In order to round to the nearest 100 we land marked all the hundreds and coloured the numbers that would round to them red or blue. It makes a visual representation for us to see the numbers. We will create another number line to show the numbers that round to the nearest 10, but we are running our of wall space!
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With the holiday season soon approaching it's important to care for others and give back to those who are less fortunate than us. This holiday season, Beddington Heights School will be a part of 2 programs that the city of Calgary runs for those less fortunate.
The first program is Loonies for Lunches. Loonies for Lunches would bring students together to collect loonies to donate to the food bank. Each school and/or classroom would create a donation box to collect the loonies and perhaps have some healthy competition to see which class could raise the most. The loonies would then be used by the Food Bank to purchase food for our Weekends and More program that makes sure kids get the nutritious food they need on the weekends to stay healthy and learning.
The Mayor's Food Drive is where we collect non-perishable items, i.e. can goods, sealed boxed items, for Calgary's Food Bank. Both programs start this Monday to Dec 14th.