
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Down and Out

 My apologizes for the lack of communication - I was down and out!!

Our work around life cycles continue and we have had a close up look at the life cycle of mice, chickens and frogs.  Today we read did a paired reading of the life cycle of frogs.  We had a look at a fiction story and a non-fiction text.  We found that there was still some good information to be had in the story book - although we did enjoy the up-close photos of frog eggs and frog embryos in the non-fiction book.

Some great patterns appeared before us today as we were relating seconds to minutes, minutes to hours and hours to days.  We also found that our new found multiplication abilities came in handy!  We have had a look at "Just a Second" by Steve Jenkins and can make reasonable estimates on what can be accomplished in a second, minute and hour.

"Carson Crosses Canada" was introduced with the question - "A trip from the west coast of Canada to the east coast is about 5,500 km - how long will it take Carson to cross Canada?"  answers ranged from one year to 187 days to 1 1/2 weeks.  We also talked about where we would go if we could travel Canada and children seem happy to visit Banff and Jasper while many would like to see Quebec.  Great discussions come out of picture books!

Toilet paper roll for Thursday this week please -

Read 20/10

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Spring Concert

 The Beddington Heights Spring Concert has its kindergarten to grade 3 performance tomorrow evening, Wednesday May 25.  The doors will open at 5:30 performance will begin at 6:00 pm.  Performers need to go to their classrooms upon arrival while parents can find themselves a seat in the gym.  See you all there!!

Just a reminder that everyone needs at least one toilet paper roll for Friday!

Read 20/10

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Please collect

 Please collect a few toilet rolls for next week.  Everyone will need one or two for an art project.  They will need to be at school Thursday, June 2.  Thanks!!

Read 20/10

Monday, May 16, 2022

Volunteers Wednesday, June 15

 I am in need of 5 volunteers for our field trip to Kamp Kiwanis on Wednesday, June 15.  You will need to have a police clearance in place and the whole day free to play in the trees.  The school board requires we have volunteers and without your help I am afraid we will have to cancel.

                                                                                Fractions in action!

We are proud to say we can describe a fraction using the words numerator and denominator, explain that a fraction is part of a whole, and describe where fractions are used (sharing a cookie or a pizza).

We are using comparison language in our writing about the characters from Tale of Despereaux - Miggery Sow is like Princess Pea ... and Princess Pea and Miggery Sow are different ...  We will carry this over into social studies when we compare and contrast living in India with living in Canada.

Read 20/10

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


Fractions in grade three is about grasping the idea of parts and whole.  I want them to see the different sizes of parts and be able to identify how many parts it takes to equal a whole.  I want my little mathematicians to be able to describe where fractions are used (sharing a pizza, cooking in the kitchen) and compare fractions so they know if they want 1/4 of a cookie or 1/2.  We have just started to name fractions and match the picture to fraction.

We continue to practise being good readers - in social studies today we previewed the picture book, Same, Same But Different, and talked about the pictures on the front and back of the book, made a prediction based on the things we noticed in the picture and the title, asked some questions, and then listened to the story.  We then wrote about how close our predictions were to the actual story.  Tomorrow we will continue our work and make connections to the story - text to self, text to text, and text to world.

Read 20/10

Monday, May 9, 2022

Kamp Kiwanis

 The grade three students have the opportunity to attend the outdoor program at Kamp Kiwanis on Wednesday, June 15.  This is a great opportunity for us to go and play in the forest and apply our new science knowledge to solve problems while playing games.  Kamp Kiwanis is located at the round-a-bout on Highway 22 and Highway 8.  We will spend all day outside with the counsellors.  We will also be needing volunteers for the day - if you have a current police clearance and would like to spend the day in nature this trip is for you!!  Please send me an email if you can help out!

We had our first dance session this morning - ask your little dancer how they liked the activity!

Read 20/10

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Monday, May 2, 2022

Fact vs. Opinion

 Balancing Animal Structures are due at school tomorrow - please also ensure your little scientist has their paper work with them and the writing portions completed.  everyone will have the opportunity to share their project.

How can I tell the difference between a fact and an opinion was the question asked today.  Using a stuffed mouse we created facts and opinions together that related to it.  We then sorted sentences about fact and mice.  

Read 20/10