We have finished up our novel study, Masterpiece by Elise Broach. We have some great work in our response journal and I hope you take the time to have a look at it with your little learner tomorrow. We wrote a review today and rated the story. There were many 9/10 and 10/10 in the room.
Tomorrow we will clean out our desks. Please send an extra carry bag to school. Some of us have our entire lives in our desk drawers.
Friday morning we will have an assembly at 8:30 to say our farewells and the June Pillars of Care. After assembly is over we will be going to Confluence Park, weather permitting. We will walk over to the split rock and be back at school for 11:45 dismissal. Your child will want their snack, water bottle and a jacket to take with them. Please use sunscreen, bug spray etc. at home. This is a walking trip within the 2 km. distance permitted by CBE so no paper work is required.