
Monday, May 31, 2021


 We made our own personal set of tangram shapes today after we read the book, Grandfather Tang.  We looked at all the polygons we were making as we went along and talked about their attributes.  Little learners were then challenged to make all the animals that Grandfather Tang had made in the story.

We are well into our novel study of Masterpiece and the action is starting to get exciting.  Today our hero, Marvin, was taken away from the main setting of the story.  We are eagerly anticipating how he is going to deal with his problem.

Read 20/10

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Permission Form

In a grade 4 backpack near you is a permission form for the Human Sexuality portion of the health curriculum.  Please sign and return the form tomorrow.  Students who choose not to participate will have alternate work to complete.

We were working this morning on 3-D shapes and naming them based on the shape of their base.  Grade 3's need to be able to describe a 3-D shape according to the shape of the faces, the number of edges and the number of vertices.  Grade 4 need to be able to construct a triangular and rectangular prism from a net and sort shapes.

Read 20/10

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Fourth First Day Back

 We had a great first day back together and we were all happy about it!

Everyone should have had their stories (climbing and event) in their hand or delivered into the Google classroom - please check with your little learner I had many people promise that their stories were done but at home.  

A few of us forgot that the indoor shoes went home and had no clean shoes to wear on our freshly polished floors.

Read 20/10

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Reminder of dates

 Just a reminder that tomorrow is a Professional Development Day.  As a staff we are all involved in moo'kaaksin - a day of learning sessions provided by Indigenous leaders.

Tuesday May 25 we will be back in-person at school and I for one am very excited!

Grade 3's should come with their bridge that spans a 30 cm and holds 1 kg of weight.

Grade 4's should come with their recycle gears.

Everyone should have their climbing story if they haven't already sent that to me in the Google classroom.  If it is there I can print it for your little learner.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 17, 2021

Schedule Change

 We are changing the phys. ed. time to accommodate the karate instructor and kick boxing instructors that led us in activities in January.  Tomorrow at 9:00 we will welcome Anthony back and on Wednesday at 9:00 we will meet Jerry.  If this change creates a problem with the technology use in the house then just use the activity board posted in the classroom last week.  Use gonoodle for indoor recess - go for a bike ride - lace up your shoes for a neighbourhood walk.

Classroom code - Room9Ninjas

This week we are writing an event story from our imaginations.  Every day I will give a little writing lesson to help break down the work.  Writing an imaginary story can be over whelming but if you help your little author with the 4 lessons posted in the classroom they will be successful.

Fingers crossed that we will be back at school on May 25.

Read 20/10

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Classroom code

 Thank you for your emails and messages about online school.  The kids are rocking it!

Thank you for supporting your little learners at home and all the patience that requires.  I miss each and everyone of them.

We have shifted to using a classroom code to access the classroom.  I sent all my students an email with this change on Tuesday morning.  Just to review:

Google home page

Click on the nine dots in the upper right hand corner

click on the meet button

enter the code bhsanderson

classroom will open for you - if I'm not there yet just be patient and try again in a few minutes.

Our first meeting on Thursday is at 8:00 am with Mr. Sadowsky his code is bhspe34

Thanks everyone

Friday, May 7, 2021

Schedule for On-line Learning

 I have sent you all a schedule through School Messenger for on-line learning.  It looks similar to the schedule we followed in January.  

Monday we start at 8:30 with Mr. Sadowsky for phys. ed.

Our first classroom meet will be at 10.  I will take attendance at this time for the day.  

Reading group A will meet Monday at 11:30.  I will let students know Monday morning if they are in that group.

Education Assistants are supporting our students and may be contacting your child to offer their help.

If you have any questions or see a conflict in the schedule send me an email!

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Google Classroom

 Tomorrow morning we will have our first Google classroom meet.  In a backpack near you is all the log in information in order for that to be successful.  Your little learner also has some lined paper for story writing, paper folded into 8 squares for story planning, a tape measure and a paper they will need for tomorrow's literacy lesson.  A full schedule for the next two weeks will be sent to you once we have determined how to best roll this out to everyone.

Read 20/10

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Online Learning

 Please ensure your child still has their log-in information for online access.  We will be returning to the Goggle classroom as we did in January.  If you are not able to locate the card please e-mail me or call me tomorrow so I can get that information to you.  I will be sending home some paper and a few things I would like students to have.  Please check backpacks tomorrow.

Read 20/10

Monday, May 3, 2021


 Grade 3 have packed their suitcases and hit the road!  They are taking their cameras to either India, Ukraine, Tunisia or Peru and finding out a few things and then reporting back to us here at school!!  Today they used an old fashioned textbook to find the continent they are going to, the oceans they will cross and the direction they will travel.  Upon their arrival they took note of similarities and differences between their country's  flag and Canada.  Ask your little learner which country they travelled to -

Grade 4's also used an old fashioned textbook today (we had no internet).  Working with a partner they were finding information about Alberta's natural resources and what is renewable and what is non-renewable.  They discovered things like our sugar comes from sugar beets!!  Some of us decided not to eat sugar ever again!

Good readers can determine important information and interesting information.  After we read chapter 15/16 of Masterpiece everyone determined what they thought to be the most important event of the two chapters (hint - it was that Marvin's mom said he can no longer help James) and then picked an interesting detail such as Marvin's family ate Life Savers for dessert or that Marvin and James played hot and cold.

Read 20/10