Please excuse my absence from the blog - my computer decided to take a vacation and since I am the least tech savvy around I had to wait for help. I hope your little learner was keeping you up to date on all our activities.
We have been so busy!!
We are working our way through a unit on time. Grade 3 need to be able to relate the passage of time to common activities such as a TV show usually lasts 30 minutes and a song about 2 minutes. Grade 4 are reading and recording time from a 12 hour clock and discussing elapsed time. We have worked together and independently practising our skills.
Using the What?-What?-How? structure for writing we have been trying our hand at instructional writing. The important features of instructional text are language and sentence structure. Little learners wrote instructions for the alien to brush his teeth using transitional words such as first, second, then, next followed by an action word. They have planned and written their own set of steps for the alien to follow for an activity of their choice. Today they started a piece of writing, How To Be and their name. Giving instructions on how to be them.
Little readers complain most about figuring out unknown words. We have been working on using fix-up strategies in our reading focusing this week on using context clues. Reading around the word and using clues to figure out the unknown.
Grade 4 are almost through the Light and Shadow unit - we have one of two activities left. Grade 3 are busy reading and writing about animals. They are have added a portion to a poem we read, I'd Like To Be A Butterfly. Now they are writing, How To Be an animal that they have researched.
And finally, we have this going on in our classroom that we are having a great time with. Ask your little learner about Battle of the Books!