We attempted to answer the question, "What is science?" during a discussion today. Interesting ideas were put forward. We did figure out that science is all about being curious about the world around us.
Our work today was around it being Orange Shirt Day in Canada. Our background knowledge was around Phyllis Webstad going to residential school in BC and having her brand new orange shirt taken away and her hair cut off. She felt like her feelings didn't matter. We read, "When I was Eight" by Christy Jordan-Fenton that tells the story of a young girl who went to residential school in hopes of learning to read but being made fun of and cleaning all the time instead. We all then made a big orange heart and wrote in it a message of understanding to the children of residential schools. We offered ideas of how to fix their hurt.
We worked through the steps of problem solving in math this morning. Little learners are encouraged to circle numbers, under line the question, box important words and evaluate the information to solve. Everyone had a problem on a sticker in their math book to solve before they worked with hundreds charts.
Tomorrow is Terry Fox Day at Beddington. We will be running in Terry's memory during our phys. ed. time. Donations being accepted. We are working towards a goal of $400.00.
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