We may have been full of turkey but we accomplished a lot today!
Students were introduced to sticker math this morning. Sticker math is one problem on a sticker that they stick into their math workbooks and solve. They are always 'story problems' on a current math strand. Today, sticker math read:
A number has the digit 3 in the ones place
and the digit 9 in the tens place.
Write the number 3 different ways.
A question like this tells me if your student can think about numbers flexibly. It tells me if they can show numbers in a variety of ways. We will have sticker math a couple times each week. Questions that are not finished will be sent home for homework. Please check with your student if you find a lot of sticker math coming home to find out why they are unable to complete the task in the allotted 30 minutes.
Last week we reviewed the vowels and today we learned how to recognize the syllables of a word. We can clap a syllable and we can use our hand under our chins to feel the syllables. We practiced finding the syllables in the names of our friends then turned to our books to find the word with the most syllables.
We read the walking story 'No, David' by David Shannon and then tried our hand at writing a walking story. A walking story has no problem to be solved, no rise in action but it should have lots of detail. There were great ideas for writing such as myself, space, 5 reasons not to chew gum in school. Students worked really hard at being authors and many have finished their story.